What excuses are stopping you from dancing?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Let's be real

So to be honest, I haven’t been dancing and it’s been a slow sadness. But I have had some distractions but let’s be honest, if I want to dance, I should dance. No excuses.

But all the limitations I place on myself, makes it so easy to give up before I even get going.

The other impact is, I only try to dance every second week due to conflicts of other things happening. Life should be flexible and I am ok with this, but I feel that is partly why I am succeeding in getting into dancing again.

A goal should be done at least once a week, if not daily, let alone, taking a break every second week, so of course I am going to hit some curve balls, such as giving up.

And yet, here I am … not ready to give up!

How is this dilemma going to get me to dance?

It’s swooping season and I decided I needed another hobby, besides walking. You can read about my walking for health blog here: Melanie Toye’s walking for health (melanietoyeswalkingforhealth.blogspot.com).

But seriously, talk about a problem. Swooping birds is real in Australia, please comment below if your country also has seasons for swooping birds. It is very scary being swooped on and this season I have already been swooped on twice and the season is just starting.

Should I take up swimming?

A friend mentioned to me about her taking up swimming to avoid walking and being swooped. I thought, yeah I can justify $6 a day to go and swim for probably let’s face it, lucky if I swim for 20 minutes before being breathless. But then I was listening to some rap and I had a really hard day and I just wanted to dance. So yeah I might swim, but now I am definitely going to dance!!

So I walked home longer and looking terrifying up at the trees (thank goodness I didn’t get swooped) and then I just jumped into full blown dancing for 20 minutes straight. That’s a record for me in a long time!

The results

I did this massive air dance jump and landed perfectly, but even before I jumped I thought I can’t do that anymore and guess what I did! I just have all these limiting thoughts about my ability. It’s just something I have to break over time and the only way to do that is by keep dancing.

I also just danced hard. I didn’t just walk through the steps, I performed it. And what steps are these? I just choreographed my own dances for each song. Here I am, a past dancer, who danced in training for 15 years in ballet, had a long time off dancing and then became an aerialist and danced in the air and now … about 5 years later doing nothing, I am back and I don’t just dance but make my own moves. Talk about shocking myself.

Thank you

Thank you for reading my blog, I honestly just want to share what is going through my mind to get back into dancing so where ever you are at in your dance journey, even if it’s just to watch others dance, you know you hold the power to chase your goals.

#dancing #walking #goals


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