Where are the dance opportunities for adults?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When I was younger, I had so many dance opportunities but as I reached 18 years of age, I found the opportunities became very limited. We didn’t have YouTube back then? I think it was MySpace and some type of chat, it may have been Messenger but yes, I don’t believe and I could be wrong but MySpace you couldn’t add videos. Videos back then, you had to have a video camera and they were expensive and then you needed a PC that could hold all the large data from a video. So there were limited videos due to storage. 

So yes, we now do have social media, where it is widely accepted to dance/perform using those platforms and build an audience/fan base to then build a passive income from if that’s what you want or get bigger opportunities like dancing with artists such as singers around the world. 

But in terms of actual dance opportunities here is what I found. Off the top of my head, in my local area, there are no dance studios offering dance classes for adults. Unless you want to do pole dancing. After training in aerials, I don’t want to go into another activity where I am putting a lot of my body weight onto my shoulders and arms, so pole dancing is out for me. 

Also, there may be such things as meditation camps or writing camps or wellness retreats but again, no dance camps.

It just appears that any social type of dancing, excluding ballroom is non existent for dancers over a certain age.

I remember when dancing jn ballet, the students who I danced with were apart of my family. We were close friends and we saw each other multiple times a week. We knew each others dance weakness and strengths but weren’t mean about them for it because we had our own weaknesses and strengths to work on. 

As an adult, it’s a lot harder to make friends so ideally being in a adult dance class to not only dance but also to socialise with people who like dancing, would be fun and great for the soul. 

So I have to say I’m a little disappointed that the dance opportunities appear to be limited near me. Maybe this is not the case where you live and if that’s the case, that’s fantastic, keep dancing.

I also find it disappointing because being at a class is motivating and it provides a routine. Whereas, if I am at home dancing by myself, I can literally stop after ten minutes but I can assure you if I was in a class, I would dance for the timeframe the dance class was running for. Which in turn, would build my stamina and fitness. A win/win. 

Please comment below if you find dance opportunities as an adult limiting or perhaps quite the opposite. 

#danceopportunities #dance 

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