Why self-expression in dance is so important


Image by Alexandr Ivanov from Pixabay 

I love turning on the music and just dancing. Sometimes, like as you will read in my blog, I just dance in a corner of the room and pump up the music and just pretend I’m at a club. Other times, I also turn up the music and use the space to create a dance on the spot, which I will never remember again. And on the rare occasion, I get out my notebook and choreograph a dance and then practice it over and over. 

However, what about self-expression in dance? 

Why is it important? 

I find it similar to a singer. They pour all their soul into the lyrics, whereas dancers, we pour our soul into the movement that syncs with the music. It doesn’t matter what type of dance form it is, it could be hip hop or contemporary or ballet or even tap. What matters is we use self-expression to create a feeling or some even go as far as creating a story, with their movement and the music. 

Self-expression is a very human way to feel what you are feeling and release it to the world. It’s a form of healing. It can even move an audience to tears or make them laugh. That is quite a strong sense of expression. 

However, what’s more important is how the dancer feels.

I remember once, I was performing a contemporary piece and I did this movement. And my teacher was inside the curtain. Afterwards, she said, “Melanie, I have never seen you pull in your stomach so much doing that movement.” To me, I wasn’t actually pulling in my stomach. I was feeling the music and letting my body feel it too.

Remember, self-expression is a feeling and if you can share it with the audience as well, then you have just transferred the feeling to them and that is powerful. 

#dance #selfexpression #meltoye

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