It’s been getting easier to dance
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Due to my lifestyle, I aim to dance every second week. And I have been aiming to do this for about six months. I dance for ten minutes in one week and I get inspired and excited and day dream about dancing and then a month or two later I dance for another ten minutes. My routine was really out of whack and obviously I wasn’t getting any better without practicing ever. However, this week has been a noticeable difference. I am just dancing roughly ten minutes a day, three times this week. First of all, what changed? I reminded myself, I love to dance. In addition, at the beginning of the week, I went for a walk and listened to music and then choreographed dance moves in my mind to the varied music genres. I feel this is what just helped inspire myself for the next day to just dance. I also created my own ballet barre using an outdoor chair and placed it indoors. I remind myself to gently place my hands on the chair and do all different...